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Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
Winter is here! I live in NH where the winter seems to last for 7 months (seriously, we’ve had snow in October AND April and every month in between!) Although it isn’t my favorite season there are sooooo many fun books to read about winter, snow, and snowmen! I have
I have joined up with my #Kinderfriends for a Holidays Around the World Blog Hop! We have lots of activities, sales and freebies to help make your last few days before vacation go smoothly! One of my favorite themes to do at this time of the year is GINGERBREAD! I
Fall has arrived and Halloween is just around the corner. I have teamed up with my Kinderfriends to give away some teacher treats to help your month go smoothly! So just sit back, grab your pumpkin spice coffee, and have fun hopping through our blogs for Halloween treats!(Make sure you
How long have you been back in school? A week? A month? The first month of school is soooooo hard on us teachers (and our kiddos!). It’s a month filled with routine and practice all of whichare critical for a successful year! I have teamed up with someamazing kindergarten teachers to help you get back in the “swing of
It’s time for CHRISTMAS in JULY! You know what that means . . . everything in my store is 20% off from JULY 6 – 9!! It’s a great time to stock up for the next school year! You can get ahead on all of your printing and laminating and
Teachers Pay Teachers Appreciates YOU! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Finally . . . I am FINALLY on summer vacay!!!! Woo Hoooooooo! My kinders had an amazing graduation on Tuesday night! Now, it’s time to get back in the swing of things on TpT!! I will be doing LOTS of updates this summer. I just finished the updates for
The change of seasons also means a change in work stations and centers!! Here are some of the fun things that my kinders are doing! You can find them all in my Fall Fun Bundle which is priced at over a 30% off savings! (And even more today since my
My Write the Room Centers are now available in a bundled set! This bundle includes January through December at a savings of 20% off! You can find it in my TpT Store.